I have never smoked, drank or womanised in my life. So you can see I’m better than most of you who judge me. I’m not hyping myself, but morally, I’m better than most people’’.
Aside from 2baba’s ongoing divorce and proposal drama, the rhinoplasty—a plastic surgery procedure for altering and reconstructing the nose—that popular comedian and content creator Isaac Aloma, aka ZicSaloma, recently underwent is trending nonstop.
Since debuting his post-surgery face on Sunday, ZicSaloma has not only caused a stir on social media with his latest transformation but also come under intense scrutiny.
In a post via YouTube on Friday, Zicsalom revealed that he underwent the rhinoplasty to achieve “aesthetic” and fulfil a childhood dream.
He bravely shared, ‘‘I have been constantly ridiculed because of my nose, and people say my nose is too ugly and big. When I was younger, my nose was even bigger. I’m the only one among my siblings with a big nose because I took after my daddy. My siblings have pointed noses, while I took my father’s type of nose in excess. I also changed my nose because I didn’t like my side profile when I took photos.
Zicsaloma, one of Nigeria’s hottest Instagram comedians, who came from “nothing” to become an online sensation, also debunked allegations that he has low esteem issues.
He said: “You can call it an inferiority complex if you want, but I believe everyone has insecurities, and if there is a means to correct it, we will. So if you don’t have the mind or money to fix the insecurities, do not another person. Almost everyone has insecurities, so that’s my reason.”
Sparing a thought for his critics, Zicsaloma, a former English lecturer at the Kaduna State Polytechnic before quitting to face comedy, said, “They’ll say you don’t like how God created you, but ladies wear make-up. Is that how God made them? Why do you do braces to correct your teeth? Leave it the way God gave you your teeth.
“You’re thinking of how people will perceive you; you know we live in a very judgemental country, Nigeria. The fact that you don’t have the mind or money to correct your insecurities doesn’t mean you should judge another person’’.
The comedian, who earned N100,000 as a junior lecturer, also addressed misconceptions about rhinoplasty, reassuring his followers that the procedure was not as risky as some had claimed.
“People said it is cancerous, it’s not. Some said it was my final look. No, it takes about one to two years for the final results to appear. Right now, my nose is still swollen. It will still become smaller. After about a year, you’ll see the final look. This is three weeks after my rhinoplasty, and I like what I’m seeing already.
‘‘Once it heals completely, some may not even realise I did a nose job. The only issue I had was my nose. I did not like my side profile in my videos because of my nose, which has changed. I can never get addicted to surgery; I’ve changed what I wanted to change. I have never smoked, drank or womanised in my life. So you can see I’m better than most of you who judge me. I’m not hyping myself, but morally, I’m better than most people’’.
He also dismissed concerns about his children’s future appearance, responding to those questioning how his decision might affect them. “What about my children? They may like their nose; they are not me. Let them come with the old nose, na. What if they’re okay with it? Do you even know if I want biological children or if I want to adopt them? Leave my children out of it.”
Cost implications
Zicsaloma also revealed he underwent surgery at a hospital in Turkey, which he found online and that he didn’t pay for the rhinoplasty procedure, describing the arrangement as a collaboration between him and the hospital.
“I didn’t pay for the procedure. I won’t call it free, but it was a collaboration between me and the hospital. I only did my visa and booked my flight to Turkey. I did a nose job, and he also did a slight eye lift.
“The hospital caught my attention among others I had seen on my Instagram and TikTok feeds because I saw that they did it for a black person. After I messaged them to ask how much, they said I have a lot of followers and they’d like a collaboration. Due to collaboration, I didn’t pay the consultation fee, which is around $300-$400’’.
Zicsaolma, who revealed that the surgery lasted over four hours, shared the estimated cost. He said: ‘‘The total expense is $11,000, comprising rhinoplasty ($5,000-$6,000), eye rejuvenation ($2,500), and facelift ($2,500). You’ll still need to pay for a hotel. There’s a five-star hotel option and a four-star one, which I think costs around $2,600’’.
Zicsaloma shared that his rhinoplasty appointment was on the 24th of January, and he had travelled to Turkey the day before.