Breaking The Power Of Obscurity

  1. Talented but unknown;
  2. Gifted but hidden;
  3. For the enemy to localize your championship, there is something international about you buy the enemy localizes it. You are seeing it in your dream but you cant get there, that’s what we are about to deal with this morning;
  4. By the spirit of obscurity, the enemy does put a veil on people to hide them, some times such people begin to see cobwebs;
  5. By the spirit of obscurity, present, but absent
  6. By the spirit of obscurity, to be covered with spiritual cobweb;
  7. By the spirit of obscurity, born great but tied down;
  8. By the spirit of obscurity, someone is in a situation where the inferior is been made to rule the over superior;
  9. By the spirit of obscurity, head relegated to the tail
  10. By the spirit of obscurity, by the spirit of obscurity someone is brilliant but disgraced, front row candidate rearranged to the back row
  11. By the spirit of obscurity, a born celebrity becoming a second class citizen
  12. By the spirit of obscurity, being ignored at the corridor of greatness

Can you raise up your right hand and say this prayer,* _power working hard to make me small, die, in the name of jesus, amen.

  1. By the spirit of obscurity, unexplainable hatred, hate you for no reason;
  2. By the spirit of obscurity, when the enemy is succeeding in making your helpers to hate you, you are going nowhere, god wont down come to lift you he uses human being to lift you
  3. By the spirit of obscurity, your presence provokes misfired aggression;
  4. By the spirit of obscurity, running but making no progress;
  5. By the spirit of obscurity, having testimony famine;
  6. By te spirit of obscurity, stars been made to shot down, made to wonder, caged, we mean the eagle becoming a chicken;
  7. By the spirit of obscurity, mysterious closing of opportunity doors;
  8. Being destroyed by anti-light lime demons;
  9. By the spirit of obscurity, being kept in the backyard or dustbin of light, that’s the spirit of obscurity in manifestation;
  10. By the spirit of obscurity, when those are wants to help you, suffer for helping you; and
  11. By the spirit of obscurity, is this spirit that makes people to dupe them of their hard earn money.

We need to deal with this evil cloud hre today, we will continue this message next week.



  1. Shout blood of jesus, seven times, arise fight for me, in the name of jesus
  2. Testimonies robbers, breakthroughs robbers, progress robbers, i am not your candidate, die in the name of jesus;
  3. My breakthroughs, left in this year, hear the word of the lord, manifest by fire, in the name of jesus;


  1. Strongman assigned to disgrace me, you are a liar die, in the name of jesus;
  2. Wicked powers, working against my shinning, die in the name of jesus;
  3. Powers stealing my glory, die in the name of jesus;
  4. Arrows fired against grows star, backfire, in the name of jesus;
  5. Where is the lord god of elijah? Arise lift me up, in the name of jesus;
  6. Where is the lord god of elijah? Arise promote me by fire, in the name of jesus;
  7. Pray this prayer for three times!

Every good things that i have lost this year, i repossess them by fire, in the name of jesus.

Finally, we are going to pray one of the most powerful prayer in the bible, we are going to pray it inform of singing

And it says, let God arise, let your enemies be scattered, in the name of jesus.


God bless you and family, in jesus name, amen!


Shalom aleichem

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